抗癌樂園 Anti-cancer Club Australia Association

Anti-Cancer Club 澳洲抗癌樂園

「澳洲抗癌樂園」是「國際郭林氣功文化研究會(澳州分會)」內的一個抗癌小組,歡迎會員中有癌患朋友及其關顧者參加,其他會員如想增加對癌症和抗癌的認識,亦歡迎加入小組。抗癌小組成員毋需另交會費,祗需按時出席抗癌樂園為組員安排的活動便可。現時抗癌樂園小組聚會於每月第二個周六假 Cumberland State Forest 練功後舉行。

The “Australian Anti-Cancer Club”, in association with the “International Guolin Qigong Culture Research (Australia) Association”, is to promote the practice of Guolin Qigong among people with cancer as a complementary therapy, and to provide services to its club members in the form of education, training and cultural activities related to Guolin Qigong practices. We welcome members who are cancer patients or their carers to join this Club, other members who like to learn more about cancer prevention and cure may also join. There are no additional fees to join this Club. Currently the Club meetings are held at Cumberland State Forest on the second Saturday of each month (from 11:00am).



主題 結果總結

收到問卷 共67份 - 癌症患者 (40.3%),癌患照顧者 (7.5%),慢性病患者 (20.9%),康健人士(26.9%),其他 (4.4%)


參加抗癌樂園活動 是 (77.6%),會考慮 (19.4%), 否 (1.5%)

抗癌樂園的聚會次數 每周一次 (15.6% ),每兩周一次 (6.3%), 每月一次 (53.1%),

每兩個月一次 (12.5%),每三個月一次 (12.5% )

聚會地點 Cumberland State Forest (53.8%),Epping Boronia Park (23.1%),

酒樓/食肆 (23.1%),輪流在會友家中 (0%),其他地點 (0%)

聚會時間 星期六上午11時後 (58.1%),星期一上午11時後 (25.5%),

星期日下午 (4.8%),星期二至五上午 (1.6%)

對抗癌樂園意見/建議 分享討論:抗病經驗,練功心得



活動 :家訪,郊遊,picnic,參加社區活動,慈善籌款等


對本會的意見/建議 讚賞義務工作者,會長及輔導員有愛心和耐心,某些功法加以輔助資料,會員間互相關懷支持很值得,希望可增加人手,希望有更多練功時間 和地點選擇

(10/09/2011) 兩位前更生會會長楊迺才及楊陳詠嫦 (Rose) 伉儷 (前排右三、二) 到Cumberland StateForest 探訪澳洲抗癌樂園小組,並與部分組員午膳作交流。 [Two ex-Presidents of CanRevive Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Yeung (3rd and 2nd right on front row) visited our Anti-Cancer Club and had lunch with some of our members.]

(08/10/2011) 吳賢益醫師 (前排右四)主講 [腫瘤病人的飲食禁忌]。{Dr. Ngo - 4th right front row, from Shanghai gave us a talk on "Forbidden Food for Patients with Tumor".}

(12/11/2011) 馬德嫻醫師 (前排左四) 對澳洲抗癌樂園小組主講 “中醫中藥在各階段腫瘤治療的作用”。{Dr. Ma - 4th left, from Shanghai gave us a talk on "Applying Traditional Chinese Medience on Cancer Patients".}

(14/01/2012) 劉潘德萍副會長介紹養生湯水烹調 。 {Vice President Cecilia Lau (Mrs.) will talk about some recipes for making healthy soup with actual cooking demonstration. Please bring along your own bowl and spoon for soup tasting. }

(11/02/2012) 秘尿科資深護理顧問 Katrina So talked about 前列腺及膀胱保健須知。{Ms. Katrina So, Senior Nurse (specialized in Prostate and Bladder Health) of Concord Hospital talked about health issues relating to Prostate and Bladder in our February Ant-Cancer Club gathering.}

(10/03/2012) Ms. Elsa Cheung from the Chinese Bilingual Educator Team gave a talk on Environment Protection and Health (環保與健康).

(14/04/2012) 會員兼物理治療師陳麗珍主持 "改善動靜體態 提高練功效果" 研習班 (Member Ms Pauline Chan conducted a workshop on “Enhance the effect of practising Guolin Qigong through understanding the statics of your posture and the dynamics of your body movement”)

(12/05/2012) 馬德嫻醫師 (前排左五) 對澳洲抗癌樂園小組主講 “腫瘤病人化療後的調養”。{Dr. Dexian Ma - 5th left, gave us a talk on "Caring for Cancer Patients after Chemotherapy Treatment".}

(13/04/2013) 趙安慈醫生(前排左三)主講"淺談中西醫之分別"。(Dr. Oliver Chiu, 3rd from left, gave a talk on comparing medication methods using Traditional Chinese Medicene and Western Medicene) .